Holy moly donut shop! HYPRfocus is live 🦔 🌈 (YAY!) This has been a recent passion project of mine, and I'm super excited to release my first episode.
My name is Harris Jones 👋, and I’m passionate about intentional living. I have always struggled with people pleasing, time wasting, and crippling self-judgment. In 2023, I decided that I would no longer be a prisoner to the opinions of others (or my perception of the opinion of others). I’m now on a journey to live a radiant life with friends who focus on entrepreneurship, wellness, and self-optimization. 🚀
While I could easily tell you my whole life story, I wanted to keep this first episode focused on the PRESENT and the FUTURE. Who am I in this moment? What am I looking to achieve in life?
To that end, I've listed 10 things I'm currently obsessed with, including my desire to build communities — communities like HYPRfocus! 🦔 🌈
Paul and I have built many communities and made wonderful friendships through those communities in 2023. I can’t wait to see what how the HYPRfocus community blooms 🌸 in 2024.
If anything in this episode resonates with you, please let me know and drop a comment at https://www.hyprfocus.com/ or subscribe for future updates 💕
Resources: https://www.hyprfocus.com/resources
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